MCMS Upcoming Events & Reminders 2025

Posted on: March 4, 2025


We are exploring the possibility of organizing a Home & School Association (HSA) for Mifflin County Middle School, and we invite parents to consider getting involved! If the HSA is formed, it will operate under the Mifflin County Husky Foundation, Inc. (MCHF). The officers of the HSA must be comprised of parents and will be required to follow the MCHF by-laws.

In order to move forward, we will need the names, email addresses, and phone numbers of parents interested in serving as officers. The key officer positions include President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary.

If you’re interested in helping shape the HSA for Mifflin County Middle School or would like to nominate someone for one of the officer positions, please reach out with the required contact information. We look forward to working together to support our school community!


Mrs. Zanna Matthews – Mrs. Libby Wray –


MCMS Student Council will be sponsoring a March Madness Activity Night on March 21, 2025 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the MCMS cafeteria/gym. The cost will be $2.00. There will be cornhole, capture the flag, indoor bowling, hula hooping, and much more! Our concession stand will also be open.


Mark your calendars for the MCMS Book Fair! The Scholastic Book Fair is scheduled for the week of March 17 – March 21. Students will visit with their ELA classes during the week. Unfortunately, there are no available times to visit outside of school hours for students to shop. Students may pay with cash, check (made out to MCMS Library), credit card, or Scholastic e-wallet dollars. For more information on Scholastic e-wallet dollars, please check your student’s Library Google Classroom where there is a link provided to the book fair webpage. The full schedule of ELA class visits will be posted in the Library Google Classroom so you can see what day your child’s class is visiting. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Shank at Happy shopping!


Need help with homework and studying?

Check out Early Bird or the Husky Homework Huddle!

Both of these programs are available for homework help all year long!

Early Bird – Before School Monday through Friday in the Library 7:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.

Husky Homework Huddle – After School Tuesday and Thursday in Room 203 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.


PSSA testing dates are below. Please try to avoid scheduling appointments during these days. Thank you!


Mobile Dental Clinic: MCMS hosted a Mobile Dental Clinic in October 2024. Over 50 students received various dental services including fillings and x-rays. Parents and guardians may review more information at MCMS will host the Mobile Dentist on May 19, 20, 21, and 22, 2025.

If you need a consent form to have your child receive dental services on a future clinic date, please contact Ms. Staub in the MCMS Nurse’s Office. Please return the completed consent forms to the MCMS Nurse’s Office. After Ms. Staub sends the forms to the Mobile Dentist, their employees will contact parents and guardians with questions or let you know if your child is approved for services.

PA Department of Health School Health Requirements

6th Grade Physical Examination: Private Physician Physical forms can be picked up in the main office or obtained on the MCSD website (Student/Parents > Nurses > Forms & Policies > Private Physician Physical Form). Submitted physicals should not be dated prior to September 1, 2024. Physicals should be submitted to the school nurse by May 15, 2025.

TDAP Vaccination & Meningococcal Vaccination (MCV): Prior to the 2025-2026 school year, every student entering 7th grade must have one dose by the first day of 7th grade. Students in the Alpha program are also required to obtain this immunization. If the student is not compliant with or appropriately exempted prior to the start of 7th grade, the student will be excluded from school until either compliance is documented or an appropriate exemption is submitted. Please submit physical exam forms and immunization documentation to the school nurse.

Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medication Forms: Over-the-Counter Medication forms were handed out to students on September 6, 2024.This form must be completed and signed by a parent/guardian in order for students to receive medication from the school nurse. If your child has not submitted the Over-the- Counter Medication form to the Nurse’s Office, your child will not receive medication at school. Forms are available in the nurse’s office.

MCSD Medication Policy Reminder: Students are NOT permitted to carry any medications on their person during school hours. This includes cough drops, medicated creams, eye drops or anything used for medicinal purposes. Any medication that is required to be taken at school MUST be transported to school by a parent/guardian or designated adult and accompanied with a physician’s order. Parents and guardians are required to sign medications into the nurse’s office at drop-off. If your child requires an inhaler, a new physician order must be submitted to the school nurse EACH school year before your child can carry an inhaler on their person. Failure to do so is a violation of the MCSD Medication Policy.

Please contact Nurse Staub if you have questions about medications.

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